On the 14th of January, Borovets will take part in the World Snow Day celebrations. The main goal behind the FIS’s World Snow Day is to get as many children involved as possible and to show them how much fun winter can be.

For this year’s festivities, Borovets has announced the following:

  • Lift passes for children (7-13 years of age) will be 1lv. All proceeds will go to the “Peter Popangleov and friends for Borovets” charity.
  • Free ski and snowboard lessons for beginners.
  • Free equipment and entrance to the Borokids park.
  • The Bulgarian Extreme and Freestyle Skiing Association will be organizing a “Treasure hunt”.
  • Safety demonstrations from the Mountain Rescue teams.
  • Foundations “One Life” and “Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus-BULGARIA” will also organize activities for children with disabilities.

It’s looking to be a great event for all children. The activities start at 9AM, see you there.


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About Author

I've been born by the sea, but since I moved to live in Bansko, I fell in love with the mountains and the beauty of winter! I'm working for Traventuria for 2 years now and they've been the most amazing time in my life! I love skiing, meeting new people, and to infect with emotions about the love of travel. I am writing in this blog to share with you what's new and how to save money on ski packages and ski experiences but get the most of your experience in Borovets. I'll be happy to read your comments under my articles so we can share ideas about what's more to be said for the resort!

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