[18th January 2022]

We all understand that there is nothing permanent when it comes to Covid travel testing requirements. However, knowing where you can make a PCR travel test and how much it will cost is of enormous help in planning your winter vacation in Borovets.



1. Covid travel rules and testing requirements for arriving in Bulgaria 

Like many other countries, Bulgaria relies heavily on the colour code system to determine entry requirements. If you come from a country in the green or orange zone, you need to present one of the following documents:

  • A valid EU digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate (valid from 14 days after the second dose, or from 14 days after the first dose if the vaccine is administered in a single dose) OR proof of full vaccination containing the holder’s names and date of birth, dates, trade name and batch number of the relevant doses of the vaccine, name of the manufacturer/holder of the market authorisation, the country where it was administered.
  • Proof of recovery from COVID-19. Validity: Between 11 and 180 days after the positive result to a COVID-19 test)
  • Negative results to a COVID-19 test (Both molecular (PCR) and Rapid Antigen tests (RAT) are accepted, Validity: 72 hours prior to arrival for PCR tests, 48 hours prior to arrival for antigen tests)

For travellers entering from a country in the red zone (such as the UK, Ireland and most of the EU), you need to present either a valid EU digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate or Proof of recovery from COVID-19 AND Negative results to a PCR test made no more than 72 hours before arrival.

Children under 12 are exempt from quarantine and the requirement to present Covid-19 documents upon their arrival in Bulgaria, regardless of what colour zone they have travelled from. As of the 19th of January, Bulgaria’s Ministry of Health have confirmed that 12-17-year-olds need only to present Negative results to a PCR test made no more than 72 hours before arrival to enter the country.

Make sure to double-check the current requirements for your country on the official websites 72 hours before departure at the latest, in case there is a last-minute need for you to get a PCR travel test. For British citizens, we would recommend the British Embassy Facebook page in Bulgaria as the most reliable source and quick to respond, https://www.facebook.com/UKinBulgaria


2. Getting tested in Bulgaria before traveling back

In case your country requires PCR travel testing abroad before returning, here are some useful recommendations on where you can do that during your stay in Bulgaria. Mandatory tests before returning to the UK are officially removed as of the 7th of January 2022. 

In Borovets

Hotel Rila, Borovets: Working hours: 09:00 – 18:00 (every day); PCR (results available the same day if tested by 14:00); Price: 110 BGN; LFT: Testing time: 10 minutes; Price: 40 BGN; Location here

In Samokov (the nearest city to Borovets resort)

  • Ramus, Samokov (in the Hospital): Working hours: 08:00 – 13:30 (Mon- Fri), 08:00 – 13:00 (Sat); PCR: results the next morning; Price: 90 BGN; LFT: Testing time: 10 minutes; Price: 10 BGN; Location here
  • Ramus 2, Samokov (near the bus station): Working hours: 07:30 – 14:30 (Mon- Fri); PCR: results the next morning; Price: 90 BGN; LFT: Testing time: 10 minutes; Price: 10 BGN; Location here

Sofia airport:

If you decide to make the PCR travel test at the airport before departure, here is where you can do that:

  • Kandilarov (Sofia airport Terminal 1, +359 884 884 936): Working hours: 05:00 – 19:00 (every day); PCR: results in 2 hours; Price: 80 BGN; LFT: Testing time: 20 minutes; Price: 45 BGN;
  • Kandilarov (Sofia airport Terminal 2, +359 882 607 010): Working hours: 24/7; PCR: results in 2 hours; Price: 80 BGN; LFT: Testing time: 20 minutes; Price: 45 BGN;
  • Genica (Sofia airport Terminal 2, Arrivals): Working hours: 24/7; PCR: results in 2 hours; Price: 80 BGN; LFT: Testing time: 20 minutes; Price: 45 BGN;
  • Genica (Sofia airport Terminal 2, Departures): Working hours: 24/7; PCR: results in 2 hours; Price: 80 BGN; LFT: Testing time: 20 minutes; Price: 45 BGN;


The requirement for self-isolation on arrival in England is also dropped. Instead, people can take an antibody test on the second day of their arrival – and only if it is positive will an additional PCR test be needed to identify any new variants.


On behalf of our team, we wish you safe travels and happy skiing. Book your skiing holiday now with Ski and Board Traventuria! 

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About Author

Lilia Ineva has been part of Traventuria's team since 2015. She has been rambling the Bulgarian mountains since she was a teenager and is very passionate about and knowledgeable of our country's cultural and natural heritage. A novice skier herself, she offers valuable tips and first-hand experiences so travelers can easily prepare and know what to expect in order to make their holiday as fun and enjoyable as possible.

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