Greetings from sunny Borovets where the skies are blue, the pines are covered in snow and the slopes are all white! More and more sunny hours are expected for the whole week ahead so do not forget to bring your sun protection cream as well.

Here’s our weekly snow report. Read more to see how the snow and the slopes conditions were during this past week. Enjoy!

borovets snow report blog 13/02/2023

Chilly but sunny | Borovets Resort

Snow and Weather

As per last week’s weather forecast, temperatures in Borovets were very low and it was quite cold especially in the mornings. However the colder weather saved the snow on the slopes in perfect skiing/snowboarding conditions. The current snow cover on most of the pistes is from 100 to 125 cm. Only at Markudjik Center (and Markudjik 2) it is a little bit less – around 85cm.

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Great snow and skiing conditions | Martinovi Baraki

snow report borovets markudjik station 13/02/2023

Markudjik Top Station 2500m

Slopes and Snow

As of today pretty much all of the slopes are open and operational except for Markudjik 3 (Intermediate), Yastrebets 1 lower part from mid station (Intermediate), Evacuation Ski way – Musala pathway (Easy) and Fonfon (Experts only). Snow conditions are perfect at the moment. However the warmer temperatures expected for this coming week will change the situation a bit, especially when it comes to night skiing. Any melting of the snow layers during the day will turn into ice over the nights leaving some ice rinds at certain areas on the slopes. Thus one has to be very careful especially early in the mornings, when snow hasn’t softened yet.

snow report 13/02/2023 borovets blog

Great snow conditions | Martinovi Baraki

Lifts and Queues

There weren’t that many people in Borovets resort from Monday through Friday during this past week. But as expected, the resort got really crowded over the weekend. Average waiting time for any lift was around 15 to 20 min., especially on Saturday and on Sunday.

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Slopes got busier as we headed into the weekend | Martinovi Baraki

However, waiting time really depended on the time you were going to be at the lift line, but sometimes it really came down to the luck of the moment. For example this morning (Monday 13/02/) there was a significant line at Martinovi Baraki (6 chair lift), but around 12.30 (lunch time) there was no queue there at all. On the weekend it was more like the opposite with less waiting time in the mornings and more lines around 12pm.

As the UK students’ half term break has already started, this whole week ahead is expected to be very busy with a lot of people in Borovets resort, and with longer queues for the lifts.

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Half term break has already started | Busy resort week ahead

Ski & Board Traventuria Shop in Borovets

We are located in hotel Ela (ground floor) – see map HERE. Shop operates everyday from December 17th to April 15th opening at 8 o’clock in the morning and closing at 22 pm EET.
Ski & Board Traventuria Borovets is the place where you will find the best selection of winter sports equipment to hire: more than 1000 pairs of skis and snowboards, new models of ski boots, helmets and goggles produced by Head, Nordica, Fischer, Rossignol, Stockli, Dynastar, Elan, Dalbello, Alpina, Burton, Nitro, Imperivm, Nevica etc. We are the only ski shop in Borovets with such new equipment for rent! We also have a modern service centre for base and edge repairs, hot waxing, boot drying, etc.

ski shop borovets blog post

Ski & Board Traventuria Shop Borovets

If you still haven’t booked your ski and snowboard services you may pre book them HERE.

Images and lifts information sources: Radoslav Nestorov

Stay tuned

Ski & Board Traventuria is a leading provider of lift passes, equipment rental, airport transfers, and ski school for the Borovets area. To book your next ski vacation in Borovets with us, please check our website –

If you would like to stay updated with the latest snow reports and news from Borovets, you can follow us on FacebookInstagramor visit our blog.

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