It’s official. Today was the last day for the ski winter season of 2023/2024 in Borovets.
Despite the previous promise that the Borovets ski area would be open until the 7th of April, yesterday resort management officially announced that the 3rd of April would be the last working day for Borovets ski slopes. For the last time this season, we enjoyed Markudjitsi and Yastrebetz down to mid-station. Haramia was great and will be good for another couple of days, too. Unfortunately, nature always has the last word and due to the warm temperatures, the maintenance of the slopes is no longer possible. We are sad but we understand this and will be seeing you again next winter for new snow adventures.

borovets snow report 03-04-2024 end of season report blog traventuriaThe good news is that The Gondola and Sitnyakovo Express will continue to operate for tourists until April 7 (Sunday), and then they will go into maintenance until the summer season starts.
All seasonal lift passes will be valid through and including April 7, too. The Gondola and Sitnyakovo ticket offices will be open and will be selling only two-way tickets.

borovets snow report 03-04-2024 end of season reportSki & Board Traventuria – Borovets would like to thank all our customers who joined us this season for some winter ski fun. Thank you for choosing Ski & Board Traventuria – Borovets for your ski/snowboard winter holiday! Thank you to all the readers of our blog and weekly snow reports!
And last but not least, we are grateful and appreciative of our Ski & Board Traventuria – Borovets Team for the great work and dedication for another winter season!
See you again next season!

Stay tuned

Ski & Board Traventuria is a leading provider of lift passes, equipment rental, airport transfers, and ski school for the Borovets area. To book your ski vacation in Borovets with us, please check our website –

If you would like to stay updated with the latest snow reports and news from Borovets, you can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or visit our blog.

Sources: Peter Nedyalkov, Shred Together group;

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